臺灣的時刻 - 回應跨文化宣教的呼召 Taiwan, Respond to the Call of Cross-Cultural Missions



The Taiwanese people were born to be cross-cultural missionaries! This statement might be a surprise for you, but take a moment to think about it. Taiwanese people carry many of the essential characteristics necessary to thrive in missions. The Lord is building a missions movement in Taiwan, and He has prepared our DNA for such a time as this. 


Taiwan has always been an island of diversity. In the last 400 years, Taiwan has been ruled by the Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese. When the government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan in 1949, along with them came approximately one million people of diverse backgrounds from all over mainland China. In addition, Taiwan itself has 16 different aboriginal people groups. For these reasons, Taiwanese people are open-minded and adaptable when it comes to cross-cultural situations. Moreover, with the hospitable, persevering, and diligent nature of the Taiwanese, it is natural for them to enter another culture to settle and engage with the locals. It is clear that God has created the Taiwanese people to thrive in for missions.


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我們相信臺灣 We BELIEVE in Taiwan