愛,照亮和美 Love Lights Up Hemei


(彰化據點主任雷勇的見證 The Testimony of Marcus, Current Changhua Base Director)


The train stopped at Changhua station. As Marcus waited for the doors to open, his heart filled with expectation. “Will this be the place God calls me to?” Marcus thought to himself. Marcus is originally from Brazil, and at this point, had been with YWAM Taipei for 8 years. His heart for pioneering began to form when the Taipei base committed to pioneer different missions bases around Taiwan. After years of preparation, this was his second scouting trip. He was about to take his very first step into his promised land. 



The doors slid open, and the hot, moist summer air welcomed Marcus. Immediately, his face dropped. “I do not like this place…” he said under his breath. “God, you need to help me love this city.” Nevertheless, he decided to press on. He got on a motorcycle and drove around the city. Suddenly, he heard the Lord tell him to turn into a small alley, but he didn’t do it. As he continued to drive, God spoke to him again. “Marcus, if I can’t trust you to follow me with the small things, how am I to trust you in the big things?” Just as a little child would, Marcus begrudgingly turned around and went back to the alley. After a few minutes of driving, he stopped at a traffic light and saw a large sign across the street. The sign had bright red letters that immediately captured his attention. He was surprised to find that he recognized the Chinese characters. The sign read, “God so loved the world.” In that very moment, something in his heart shifted. He returned to Taipei that day filled with the Father’s love for Changhua. 


Eventually, Marcus moved down from Taipei with his family and team members and settled in Hemei, a town 15 minutes outside of Changhua. The whole team now carries the same heart as Marcus, truly understanding how much God loves that town. And with everything they have, they want Hemei to know the love of the Father. 


我們相信臺灣 We BELIEVE in Taiwan


衝宣教的浪 Surfing with a Mission